;OK to delete this file, it is only used at install time ;Sleepy list of Stratum 2 open access NTP servers ;Last updated March 12, 2003 ;For most recent listings, visit http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/servers.html ;To test all servers: In advanced timekeeping dialog, ;hold down Ctrl and Shift and click Edit NTP Servers, ;then click Test All. ;Region codes: ; %A "USA west" ; %B "USA central" ; %C "USA east" ; %D "Canada" ; %E "United Kingdom" ; %F "Europe Central" ; %G "Europe East" ; %H "Asia" ; %I "Australia" ; %J "Africa" ; %K "Central/South America" ;USA west ntp.ucsd.edu (%A) ntp1.sf-bay.org (%A) ntp2.sf-bay.org (%A) tick.cs.unlv.edu (%A) time.berkeley.netdot.net (%A) tock.cs.unlv.edu (%A) ;USA central gilbreth.ecn.purdue.edu (%B) harbor.ecn.purdue.edu (%B) ntp-0.cso.uiuc.edu (%B) ntp1.cs.wisc.edu (%B) ntp-1.cso.uiuc.edu (%B) ntp1.kansas.net (%B) ntp-2.cso.uiuc.edu (%B) ntp2.kansas.net (%B) ntp3.cs.wisc.edu (%B) ntppub.tamu.edu (%B) tick.greyware.com (%B) tock.greyware.com (%B) ;USA east clock.psu.edu (%C) louie.udel.edu (%C) ntp.cmr.gov (%C) ntp.ourconcord.net (%C) ntp0.cornell.edu (%C) ntp-1.vt.edu (%C) ntp-2.vt.edu (%C) sundial.columbia.edu (%C) ;Canada ntp.cpsc.ucalgary.ca (%D) ntp1.cmc.ec.gc.ca (%D) ntp2.cmc.ec.gc.ca (%D) time.chu.nrc.ca (%D) time.nrc.ca (%D) timelord.uregina.ca (%D) ;UK ntp.cis.strath.ac.uk (%E) ntp0.sandvika.net (%E) ntp1.sandvika.net (%E) ntp2b.mcc.ac.uk (%E) ntp2c.mcc.ac.uk (%E) ntp2d.mcc.ac.uk (%E) ;Europe central fartein.ifi.uio.no (%F) ntp.tuxfamily.net (%F) ntp.univ-lyon1.fr (%F) ntp1.belbone.be (%F) ntp1.tuxfamily.net (%F) ntp2.belbone.be (%F) ntp2.tuxfamily.net (%F) ;Europe east ntp.karpo.cz (%G) ntp1.contactel.cz (%G) ntp2.contactel.cz (%G) os.ntp.carnet.hr (%G) ri.ntp.carnet.hr (%G) st.ntp.carnet.hr (%G) time.ijs.si (%G) zg1.ntp.carnet.hr (%G) zg2.ntp.carnet.hr (%G) ;Asia ntp.shim.org (%H) time.nuri.net (%H) ;Australia ntp.saard.net (%I)